Producer / Marie Jackie Mercer Vallarino
Region / Volcan, Chiriqui
Altitude / 1650m
Varieties / Geisha
Process / Washed & Machine Dry
Harvest / Nov 2023 to Feb 2024
Note /  Ginger Lily, Earl Grey, Mandarine
Weight / 150g


Marie Jackie is the woman behind the Los Cantares estate, a name that’s widely recognized for its frequent appearance on Best of Panama top charts since 2012. The estate rests at 1,600masl, swathed in mist and rain for eight months out of the year. Enriched by the Volcan Barú rainforest and Chiriqui Viejo river, the terroir consistently nourishes award-winning coffees every harvest.

Marie Jackie’s priority is workers’ welfare, which is why Los Cantares paused all operation in 2020 during the height of the pandemic to put safety first. Now, Los Cantares is back up and running with a lineup of fully organic coffees that include natural and washed Panamanian geisha. Our first experience with Los Cantares was in 2019 and after a long hiatus, we’re eager to offer these gems from Panama again in Hong Kong.