Producer / Rodriguez Family
Region / Samaipata, Santa Cruz
Altitude / 1710m
Varieties / Pacamara
Process / Lactic Fermentation Natural
Harvest / Jul 2023 to Oct 2023
Note / Raspberry, Pomegranate, Tropical Fruit
Weight / 150g


We just secured this Bolivia Pacamara via auction from Floripondio, a farm by the Rodriguez family at 1,710masl in Samaipata. Although this region isn’t particularly known for coffee production, the Rodriguez family found the tropical microclimate, with its high humidity and distinct soil profile, ideal for planting over 50 varieties of coffee.

One of these is Pacamara, a high-yielding cross between Pacas and Maragogipe with exceptional cup quality. This lot was inoculated with lactic acid bacteria and left to ferment, developing sweeter, fruitier, and creamier characteristics in the coffee.